Forum Discussion

Jolyne's avatar
Jul 15, 2020

Fifth Wheel hitch question

Hi, we have just purchased our first fifth wheel and should be picking it up in a few day. The seller is including the Hitch and rails. I was going to look into getting a hitch with a slider since we have a short box but from this picture of the camper it looks like the hitch is a slider hitch? Can anyone let me know what you think?

Note: Moderator edit to show picture.
  • 2012Coleman wrote:
    You don't state what your truck is, but does your it have the factory installed puck system for a fifth wheel hitch? BTW, that hitch looks like a piece of junk to me. Maybe usable, but a newer one would perform better.

    And with that front end, you are more than likely to have contact with the cab if you don't have and use a slider - you state you have a short bed.

    I'd look into a B&W Companion slider - heavy, but no chucking. Yes it is manual, but doesn't come with a lot of the issues with an auto slider - do your research. Or you can look into the Anderson hitch which places the trailer almost a foot back and is very light weight.

    And people who say that they never used the slider function don't have a tight radius to make when backing. I don't use mine when backing into my storage space - but only because it a straight shot into it, and I only have to maneuver slightly. Good luck

    The hitch looks much like this one.

    Pro Series hitch

    Just because the hitch is not a B&W does not necessarily mean it is a piece of junk.
  • You don't state what your truck is, but does your it have the factory installed puck system for a fifth wheel hitch? BTW, that hitch looks like a piece of junk to me. Maybe usable, but a newer one would perform better.

    And with that front end, you are more than likely to have contact with the cab if you don't have and use a slider - you state you have a short bed.

    I'd look into a B&W Companion slider - heavy, but no chucking. Yes it is manual, but doesn't come with a lot of the issues with an auto slider - do your research. Or you can look into the Anderson hitch which places the trailer almost a foot back and is very light weight.

    And people who say that they never used the slider function don't have a tight radius to make when backing. I don't use mine when backing into my storage space - but only because it a straight shot into it, and I only have to maneuver slightly. Good luck

  • Click For Full-Size Image.

    My guess it is a slider. The blue line points to what appears to be rollers. The white line points to the slider operating arm.

    The yellow line points to what is the center pivot rod which gives the hitch side to side articulation.

    Also it appears the hitch is slid back and not rotated. The arm used to release the king pin is on the left side. I have never seen a release arm on the right (passenger) side of a hitch.

    I do not see how the type of jaws can be determined.
  • Durb wrote:
    That looks like a pretty rudimentary hitch to me. It has a slide bar latch mechanism and I can't see any side to side articulation. Those lower rails may just be attachment brackets to universal rails that are mounted in your truck. Depending on your year truck and mounting options, I would consider upgrading the hitch.

    I think the problem is the hitch is spun around backwards. It looks like ours which does have side to side articulation and fits standard rails.
  • That looks like a pretty rudimentary hitch to me. It has a slide bar latch mechanism and I can't see any side to side articulation. Those lower rails may just be attachment brackets to universal rails that are mounted in your truck. Depending on your year truck and mounting options, I would consider upgrading the hitch.
  • It does look like a slider hitch...but still better to confirm with the seller.

    We have a slider that came with our first 5th wheel...never actually used the function.
  • Just an FYI. We used to tow with a short bed pickup and added a slider. We never used it, ever. After going to a long bed, we didn't need it.
  • Ok, thanks for the replys. I just could not contact them today and was wondering. :)
  • It does appear to be a slider, but like above mentioned, talk to the seller. Find out the brand of hitch, age of hitch, how he liked this hitch, does it still work great? If you post the brand/model of hitch, many on here can tell you of their experience, with that model.

    Welcome to the forum,
