The Mad Norsky wrote:
Atom Ant wrote:
bigmichael wrote:
I do agree with those who say you can FT in anything. We have been FTing 6 years, and have found FTers in many different kind of set ups. There will be differences in comfort and how well things hold up over the years, but people make it work for them.
But I think its at least wise to consider all of your options, and not underestimate the difference FTing can make in wear on your rig. Anyone who thinks there is not a MAJOR difference in wear and tear when you live in a rig 24/7 vs vacationing, weekending, or even snowbirding, is fooling themselves. And as the OP mentioned, they are considering moving a lot. Again, this is significantly different in use than even a FTer who sits still 5 or 6 months in the south in the winter and 5 or 6 months summering in the north.
Delightful read - but all nonsense
What pray tell is nonsense about this??????? I'd consider this to be an excellent point.
Mind you, I have no idea about the rest of the quoted statement, as I have never read the RV consumer groups literature.
To imagine or suppose that there is no difference in wear on a unit, no matter how it is used, is indeed false.
It was the rest of the quote that was the nonsense. It was a theory at best as to what criteria RVCG uses, which does not align with the fact they listed blackwood in the full time list and not some of the others. RVCG is just outdated and poorly managed, making their conclusions irresponsible to the customer that pays for that junk. This is not my first issue with them.