Forum Discussion

toys_r_us_haule's avatar
Jun 17, 2013

Fuzion 393 Generator Fuel Filter

Anyone know where the in-line fuel filter for the generator is? I called Keystone and they could not help me out (?). I do not want to pull down all the cladding on the underside of the trailer between the generator up front and the gas tank at the rear.
  • The Genny itself has a fuel filter though right? Mine did at least.
  • After working with Keystone some more on this issue I finally have resolution. There is no fuel filter between the tank and the generator. They provided a drawing but it's a PDF so if anyone is interested just let me know. For some reason a local dealer decided to sell me a fuel filter last year when I went in to buy an oil filter for my Onan generator. I guess that was my fault for not being knowledgeable but the idea of a filter did make sense. At least now I know.