Apr-06-2022 01:53 PM
Apr-12-2022 06:15 AM
Apr-10-2022 05:34 AM
BarneyS wrote:Veebyes wrote:
Snip...Never have had to abort with our 12' 10" air draft.
Spoken like a true sailor! :B
Apr-09-2022 04:51 PM
Veebyes wrote:
Snip...Never have had to abort with our 12' 10" air draft.
Apr-09-2022 11:19 AM
gtnsmlr wrote:
I think it would be a lot less hassle if they passed a federal law requiring that awning heights be clearly verified and posted.
Apr-08-2022 12:28 PM
Lantley wrote:Thermoguy wrote:
Wow, so many people overthink this. Getting gas is simple and many gas stations have large areas that are not an issue for a truck and trailer. I have a diesel but never go to the "truck" island, always the same side as vehicles. It's probably harder to get diesel as there are limited pumps and you often have to wait for an open pump. But, if you are traveling on the interstate or highway, most if not all stations are going to have ample room. I can't even recall backing out unless there is a car at the pump in front of me and I can't go forward or don't want to wait. Just look before you drive in the driveway, if it is too tight, go to another one, usually across the street. I think I spend more time looking for the price then looking if I can get in and out. This really is a non issue, or at least not worth stressing or even planning in advance. I have never looked at Google to see if the station is large enough. If you wanted to gas up in the city, then you might have to think a little harder for a station with room, but no the interstate, don't even worry...
You claim that it is not an issue then you mention if it's too tight go across the street......THe idea is to pull into an accesible place the 1st time!
Getting gasoline while hooked often requires effort.It's not as easy as getting diesel.
It's not the issue of our lifetime, but it is worth some discussion and often requires some planning/scouting.
Apr-08-2022 06:56 AM
Apr-08-2022 06:47 AM
Apr-07-2022 06:57 PM
NamMedevac 70 wrote:
temporarily unhook the trailer. Extra work is good for the
Apr-07-2022 06:44 PM
Apr-07-2022 06:08 PM
Apr-07-2022 10:34 AM
Apr-07-2022 09:47 AM
Apr-07-2022 09:30 AM
Thermoguy wrote:
Wow, so many people overthink this. Getting gas is simple and many gas stations have large areas that are not an issue for a truck and trailer. I have a diesel but never go to the "truck" island, always the same side as vehicles. It's probably harder to get diesel as there are limited pumps and you often have to wait for an open pump. But, if you are traveling on the interstate or highway, most if not all stations are going to have ample room. I can't even recall backing out unless there is a car at the pump in front of me and I can't go forward or don't want to wait. Just look before you drive in the driveway, if it is too tight, go to another one, usually across the street. I think I spend more time looking for the price then looking if I can get in and out. This really is a non issue, or at least not worth stressing or even planning in advance. I have never looked at Google to see if the station is large enough. If you wanted to gas up in the city, then you might have to think a little harder for a station with room, but no the interstate, don't even worry...
Apr-07-2022 07:33 AM
Apr-07-2022 06:33 AM