Not sure what Fl city you're in, when I went to grad school in Gainesville FL, I bought a single wide mobile home that was already setup in a nice suburb type park where they park them long ways to the street and have nice yards. When I graduated, I sold it without moving it.
A FW and truck seems wrong here. That would be good if you where moving about a lot. Also, a good FW truck makes a lousy commuter vehicle. These need to be insured as well. Even when new, they can be like a second job.
Owning an RV and truck would seem like an unwise distraction from the demands of grad school. Forgive me for assuming this, but it sounds like you have a pile of cash and it is burning a hole in your pocket. Regardless of whether that is the case or you are talking debt, when you graduate and find a job in a new city, that is when you are going to need the money or access to debt. Grad school may just seem like a chore to you now, but it is a magic time full opportunities you will never have again.
I wish I had spent more time refining my studies and making more connections with potential employers while in school. For example, it was 1982, I had perfect grades with a Master of Computer Science degree, it was career day and all the employers were there. I grew up so poor that I was hungry for stability, I never even stopped at the Microsoft table, I went with IBM who spit me out three years ago so they could hire 4 Asians to take my place. Times are different now, but there is something like that Microsoft table in your situation, don't walk past it.