Forum Discussion

aviator41's avatar
Oct 06, 2016

Getting to a light bulb or two

I've asked this on the heartland forum with no luck, but thought I might ask here to see if anyone else can give me some insight.

In the living area of our Heartland Oakmont 390MBL, there is an in-wall light right above the television. there are no visible screws or access points to this light, but I need access into there.

I will try to post a photo of where I'm trying to get to. Has anyone ever seen this sconce on another model or make RV? I'm really hoping someone can shed some light on how I get INTO this light. in the image, it's circled in red. Sorry, I had to use a factory photo as I am at work.

I've been told I need to just get a hold of heartland and ask them, but their customer service hours and my work schedule don't play nice.

  • Two other thoughts:
    >Is the top enclosed?
    >Can you maybe slide the glass up and out to access the inside?

    But, my first guess is what SAR Tracker posted above.
  • I'd bet the sconce is spring loaded, and you can just pull (gently of course) straight out. Try a plastic spatula or something to try and get under an edge.