Forum Discussion

Greene728's avatar
Nov 01, 2016

Grand Design Reflection 303 and 337 owners!

Well, finally after almost 2 years of looking decided to buy our next fiver! We have been fans of the GD line for quite some time (the DW especially) and inked a deal on the 303RLS a week a ago. Initially it was going to be the 337 due to the east to west bedroom slide. However, after looking, researching, and taking into consideration our favorite places to go with length restrictions, we decided on the 303 instead. I myself have favored the 303 from the beginning. For all the reasons listed as well as weight, cheaper, and size of our storage building which is 30ft x 40ft. The wife on the other hand likes the 303, but I feel is still favoring the 337 for the bed slide, front wardrobe and 12cf fridge vs the 8cf in the 303. But she doesn't fully understand the situation I'm in with the factors I have to consider in towing, storage, and setting up in tight CG's with short site lengths. So to you owners, what things do you like, dislike, or possibly even regret with either unit. I know Tusconjim had a 337 that was destroyed and his new unit is the shorter MK something model. I'd love to him from him as to why they made the change when buying the replacement. As well as anyone else that has changed from one or the other. Sorry for the long post. I'm trying my best to make the best decision!