Forum Discussion

boonie's avatar
Aug 21, 2013

Help with a possible purchase of a new 5th wheel!!!

I am looking for some assistance, opinions and advice on a 5th wheel my wife and I are looking at. Now that our son is 3 we are finding it would be REALLY nice for him to have his own room as our bed is getting a little crowded to say the least!! Today we looked at a 2013 Sonny Brook Raven Express 3350 DB. My wife is ready to buy but I wanted to as your opinions first as this would be our first 5th wheel vs a travel trailer. The questions I am hoping everyone can help me with are as follows......

1. Is this a good trailer quality wise or should I just stay away?
2. Are there any "known" issues or defects?
3. Are the numbers on track...I am towing it with a 2012 Ram 3500 Laramie with a 6.7 HD Cummins and a 3:73 rear end. The weight of the trailer is 9320 dry with a dry hitch weight of 1,830 lbs. The GVW weight of the trailer is 12,720 and I am told I should be able to tow just over 13,000 with my truck......

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I don't want to make a mistake!!!
  • Ok first, Sunnybrook is a decent mid range RV. They all basicly have the exact same appliances and mechanics. You just need to look at the build quality. But take your time and do not jump at the first 5th wheel out there. If I bought all the 5th wheels my wife liked I'd probably have 10 of them lol lol....But don't get in a hurry, they are expensive and if you pick the wrong one and find out later there is something better you won't be happy. As far as towing your truck will laugh at that weight. Not sure and I have not looked it up but are you sure that max tow weight is correct. I think it is closer to 18k lbs. But either way your truck won't even breathe hard. My 3500 tows 12,5k lbs with no effort does 70 mph all day long. Oh to check on other rigs just look on line. Most sites have lots of pics showing the insides and layouts.
  • It sounded way better in my head!!!! The point is it's getting too hard
    to transfer him back out to the main area after guests leave when he is asleep
  • I'm Sorry but that was tooo funny.

    being able to put him in his room when people stop by for a drink.....
  • For the most part he does.... He will come in with us at around 4am. There are some other reasons for the purchase as well such as a bigger unit, upgraded amenities, and being able to put him in his room when people stop by for a drink.....
  • I don't know anything about the SB, but what makes you think the 3 YO will sleep in another room if he doesn't do it at home?
  • Thanks for the posts so far....I've tried to get into that forum but am unable to sign up for some reason!!!! Anyone else have any feedback on this trailer before we make a final decision??
  • Sunnybrook has always been considered a quality camper. You might also consider Arctic Fox by Northwood MFG., in La Grande, Or. They are a 4 seasons camper and 1 of the very few that comes standard with shock absorbers--also, they make their own trailer to put the camper on. We are on our 2nd A.F.--in 2010 we made a 2 month trip to your end of the world--Northern Rockies Lodge, Muncho Lake, B.C. You have plenty of towing power and should have no problems. Lars
  • Take your question to where SB owners lurk.
  • I haven't looked at Sunnybrook since they were bought by Winnebago, but they -used- to be one of the best there was. Winne has a good rep so I -doubt- they have cheapened them, but I don't know that.
    I would think the proposed truck would be a reasonable match.