Forum Discussion

slotsavegas's avatar
Oct 20, 2013

Holding tank chemicals

I am preparing my unit for the winter. Here in Texas we usually don't get a lot of really cold weather. I was thinking about adding a bacteria product that is environmentally safe and is used to eat away all residue of soaps, grease, and tissue. I thought I would fill my gray and black tanks adding the correct amount of bacteria. Leaving it over the winter in my tanks. I hope this will remove all traces of residue and when drained in the spring, I would have clean tanks and sensors.

Anyone else tried this ?
What at others opinions ?
  • Thanks Kemahsabe,
    The picture is very helpful. I especially like the clean sensor probes.
  • I tried that experiment a couple years ago. Filled the black tank with water and poured in a half box of Rid-X. Over a period of 2 or 3 months the water went from a cloudy, medium brown to crystal clear. No odors during the process. Here's a picture:

  • Dtaylor wrote:
    If it is "eating" up all the stuff in the tanks, would it not also produce a odor?

    Wouldn't think it would produce more odor than what it's eating.
  • If it is "eating" up all the stuff in the tanks, would it not also produce a odor?
  • Filling the tanks and leaving them over winter will give the enzymes time to work.

    It sure isn't going to hurt anything.
  • The only thing I've used for years in my holding tanks is Dawn Blue Ultra dish washing liquid. About 6 oz after every tank dump.

    No sensor problems. No gate valve problems. No odors.

    Available at any grocery store. Very inexpensive and effective alternative to traditional tank treatments.
  • We use the Geo Method. Haven't had any problems. Our black and grey water runs clear as a mineral spring, and no chemicals.
  • The product is called Bio-Clean.
    my canister says it is manufactured by Kinzie & Payne Biochemical Corp. They have a web site
    It also seems to be available through
  • I dont know what slotsavegas is using but I have used Eco-Save for the last 7 years, and eliminated dirty sensor problems.
  • Where did you find this magic potion, and what is its name?