Coach-man wrote:
WOW.... If you insist on going that slow, then get off the Interstate, use the secondary roads!
Coach... this is EXACTLY what I do. I avoid interstate travel as much as possible, only when absolutely no other choice, then I'm in the right lane.
I did my best here to point out everyone's individuality, skill level, and safety, but the bottom line is, everyone is going to drive the speed they want. In my opinion, there are too many "crazies" "out there".... too fast for my blood. I've NEVER driven in a HOV lane, I really don't even know how they work. Where I live, we don't have them. When I'm traveling around some larger cities that have them, I'm in the right lane or the second to the right if multiple lanes. Usually the far right is for exiting.
But, if this is the case, most times, the speed limit had dropped to 55, so no problem running a speed with traffic in that lane.
Personally, I don't like going much faster than 60 even on the best roads. But 99% of the time, we're towing on secondary roads, not interstates. We like the slower, scenic routes. But, even with that, there is ALWAYS someone who want to go even faster, regardless of how fast we go. So, in the end ... you can't win anyway. So, drive the speed that works for you and don't worry about the other guy.