JIMNLIN wrote:
Someone asked about legal issues regarding payloads. There are no legal issues regarding payload numbers. Those numbers aren't on the trailer or registration papers.
What a size and weight officer looks at is the trailers (the size axles in question) gawrs/tire load ratings. I've had more than one officer crawl under a trailer and check for the axle rating number on the metal id tag.
actyaly the nubers are on the rv sticker. maybe not payload but gvwr. if your increasing your payload capacity normaly you are increasing the gvwr. here in BC they go by that number to determin if your over loaded, although you wont get stoped for that unless you look very overloaded, and also for your drivers licence endorsment. I had to do a special "house trailer" endorsment, which is a rv version of a heavy tow endorsment because the gvwr of my rv was over 10400lbs. I find it interesting the differences in how different states apply laws to things as well as different provences in Canada.