Forum Discussion

amxpress's avatar
Jun 07, 2013

I helped an RVer in need, just a little

I was cruising down I-20 heading home from Columbia when I came across an older fiver sitting along side the road with its flashers on and a blown left front tire on the trailer. Being a nice guy, I thought I'd stop and offer moral support, or whatever.
Found a young couple that had borrowed his Father's fiver & TV and was heading to Myrtle Beach for the weekend. He'd never changed a trailer tire before and seemed a little concerned.
He found a 6T jack in the bed's toolbox and found a lug wrench under the hood. The lug wrench is mounted on top of the radiator so when he removed it, he realized that it was very very hot. After I cooled it off with a water bottle, he went to work. He didn't know exactly where to place the jack so I grabbed a piece of 2X6 out of the TV's bed and guided the jack's placement. After removing the spare tire from the trailer's bumper, he broke the lug nuts loose and proceeded to remove the blown tire. Piece of case, now. It was going to start raining soon so I bid the couple farewell and hit the road.
I made it 10 miles down the road and the sky opened up. I hope he was able to finish before the rain made it to them. I also hope they have a good weekend in Myrtle Beach.