If you are up to boondocking, check out FS/NF roads 008 (Seafoam Rd). A lot of good boondocking spots up here with a lot of FS roads that go back into the Frank Church (Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness). Bull Trout is a great place, but the FS rangers have rules there. Another great area to go to is FS 579 over Cape Horn Summit and down into Bruce Meadows and Bear Valley. There are also boondocking spots here and along Cape Horn Creek. Check all these areas out using Google Maps or Google Earth. They are all off of Hwy 21. FS Rd 579 is also know as the Landmark Stanley Road. FS Rd 083 Lola Creek Rd deadends past Lola Creek CG, but you can camp there, it's called Marsh Creek. On the road to Lola Creek CG are many boondocking sites that will fit your rig and from there you can ride to FS 008 and up to Josephus Lake and beyond. Great country. We boondock in these areas, but have yet to tow to the Bruce Meadows area but we've seen a lot of big toy haulers there.