The_real_wild1 wrote:
Not sure if you boondock for longer periods or not but two sets of tanks will hold more. If you only head out for a weekend it won't matter as much
How long you are out is a very important factor.
If you are a weekender 1 bath will always be enough.
I you stay for extended periods with a larger group. The additional tank capacity could be beneficial. Also if you stay for longer periods dumping 2 sets of tanks maybe worth the trouble vs. staying for a weekend where it's a hassle.
While I am very much against the 2nd bath. I am a weekend warrior.
THe tanks are a hassle.
What I really want to get across to prospective buyers is to consider how the tank and connections affect the 2nd bath equation.
It's not as simple as my little girls would like their own bath!
If you are a weekend camper that 2nd tank quickly become the deal breaker.
Don't make my same mistake I did consider the tank in addition to the toilet! I did a lot of thinking and floorplan analyzing before I purchased, but I never considered the 2 black tank dilemma.
The reality is not if 2 toilets are a good idea? The question is are 2 black tanks a good idea for me?