Old-Biscuit wrote:
kaydeejay wrote:
Old-Biscuit wrote:
..........I do one side at a time (both wheels-----1 jack and then 2 jack stands while gone off to shop) not hooked to truck cause I use it to take tires to shop............
If the landing gear is down aren't you concerned about the torque (twist) you are applying to the frame?
I agree with you about jacking under the spring perch, but I leave the fiver hitched so it can rotate as it is jacked.
As stated "I only jack high enough to get tire to clear ground"
Doesn't twist frame at all
My thought, exactly. I only leave hooked to the truck if convenient, otherwise jacks are on the ground and wheels are chocked. Both times I've changed tires, I pulled the trailer to Discount, unhooked and told 'em to call me when it was done. I =did= specify that they jack under the spring perches and was told that was SOP for all trailers.