Forum Discussion

snowpeke's avatar
Oct 23, 2017

Jayco fresh water tank

I have a 2014 Jayco 26.5 RLS and when I fill up the fresh water tank after about two thirds full water starts coming out of two drain pipes. When it stops I will have 32 gallons of water in the tank. I checked it with five gallon bucket 32 gallons. But the specs say 48 gallons. Any ideas to get all the way full?
  • It's infuriating, isn't it? My fresh water tank and many others' have "overflows" that won't allow filling the tank to full capacity because the outlets are not mounted at the highest point of the tank. I lose even more water during travel, due to the water sloshing around.
  • FLY 4 FUN wrote:
    Your specs likely include the 6 or 10 gallon hot water heater tank in the total. If that's the case your true capacity is about 42 to as little as 38 gallons.

    I would double check the label on the side of the rig as that's pretty typical of manufacturers.


    That's still about 10 gal short, as the water heaters are only 6 gal.

  • I guessing between the hot water tank (Probably 6 gallons) and the "usable" water in the main tank you are probably in the ball park.

    Your tanks drain and or pickup tube may not be perfectly situated which can leave a lot of unusable water.
  • from OP

    "when I fill up the fresh water tank after about two thirds full water starts coming out of two drain pipes."
  • MFL wrote:
    Not sure what two drain pipes you speak of, but a call to Jayco, giving vin# should net an answer to actual tank size, and drain issue.


    Most fresh water tanks have an overflow tube.
  • MFL wrote:
    Not sure what two drain pipes you speak of, but a call to Jayco, giving vin# should net an answer to actual tank size, and drain issue.


    Now that's a novel idea....:R

  • Not sure what two drain pipes you speak of, but a call to Jayco, giving vin# should net an answer to actual tank size, and drain issue.

  • According to what do you believe you have a 48 gallon tank? If you are looking at brochure, you need to read the fine print. " specs subject to change without notice"
  • Your specs likely include the 6 or 10 gallon hot water heater tank in the total. If that's the case your true capacity is about 42 to as little as 38 gallons.

    I would double check the label on the side of the rig as that's pretty typical of manufacturers.
