We have had JT's on our 2001 alpenlite for many years. As I and others have posted on earlier post on this subject wait still the wind blows and then other neighbors around you say wow that wind last night was something and we say hear it but didn't notice it. Even 45 ft MH folks have said that but don't believe it because we just have a fifth wheel. Before the JT's I installed scissor jacks in front of the front tires because my wife was doing needle work and that stopped the wiggle when I walked near her. Still use them as we sit for 6 months each winter. Not any issue for the setup for me but other brands are good. I ask owners how they like their Jt's and often the answer is can't see what good they are. You didn't buy your Trailer new did you and no is always the answer. Of course they don't work with out knowledge.