Forum Discussion

karen123k's avatar
Jan 06, 2015

kitchen sink leak

Been living in an 1992 trl for five days now. every day a new problem. when I went to get a pan from cubard under the kitchen sink it was wet. ran water only to find it was coming from the sink. the 2 grey rubber lines are leaking at the top.both hot and cold lines. how could they both break at same time? can't fit under there to do anything. can u remove faucet? cold and hot water knobs how do u repair those lines.
  • If I understand your post correctly, the lines are leaking only when you run water? If the hot and cold water connections are leaking, they would continuously leak while the lines are pressurized (when either connected to city water or with pump on). I had they same issue and found it to be my faucet, not the water connections. Replaced it and no more leaks.
  • karen123k wrote:
    how could they both break at same time?

    up here we call it ice...:)
  • Go to "technical Support forum" and read the sticky for posting pictures. It is easy, ans works well.
  • If some one could tell me how to post a pic on here I can show u the leak
  • Depending on how your RV is put together, a basin wrench may not reach the fittings. Without photos, I can only guess you might need to remove the sink mounts and tip the sink up and out a bit to access the lines. A standard kitchen faucet might be a good replacement, but again, I have no idea how your faucet was mounted and what type of lines you have, but I suspect it's probably gray plastic pipe that uses strange fittings.
  • Sorry no help for you but welcome to RV.Net keep reading post and you will learn as you go, we have been in ours since Nov fixed a roof leak, loose sink pipe and a Gas dector. You will learn alot on here
  • Welcome to!
    You cannot remove the faucet with out disconnecting the lines as the same shaft is used for the retaining nut as the water supply.
    As for fixing a faucet, it is nearly impossible. best solution is to get a better quality faucet from your local hardware store. Measure the current faucet. Odds are it is a eight inch on center faucet and can be replaced with most kitchen faucets.
    To reach the connections a "basin" wrench Basin wrench is about the only way. Available from hardware store for a few bucks. The connection could be just loose.