Forum Discussion

candjmc's avatar
Jun 04, 2021

Landing gear 911

Hi all
Wondering if you can help me in landing gear motor replacement for my 2010 keysyob cougar.
My gear box number is
I've come with two replacement motor and I'm non confident giess of either Will work
Pricey guess
One number
LG 196308
The 2nd one
Lc 141893
Any help would be greatly appreciated ??
  • Either one of the above will probably work unless you have a two motor setup and need the RPMs to match the other leg. Try to get the faster one that matches your OEM but if it's an emergency, you can probably get away with the slower motor and upgrade later if desired. I recently upgraded to a dual motor setup and I highly recommend it. It's a fairly simple job to replace the motor. Lots of videos on youtube explaining the process.