I'm gettin' the idea. That suggestion to stay over the weekend whenever possible makes sense from a couple of angles; being able to secure a mid-week spot and lighter travel congestion from Saturday traffic, especially in the summer months. We're going to limit our driving to less than 300 per day so that should allow some time to go to plan B if we do run into a snag. I've gone on line and created a basic route with stops and have listed with links all the seemingly acceptable RV parks/resorts and then there are the State/Fed and city facilities. (And I'm told Walmart if all else fails!)
Thanks for all the well wishes on the retirement. I've been working for a paycheck of some kind since I was 10. After some years as an operating engineer, then 37 years in law enforcement and now this last ten years as a Town's Safety & Risk Manager I'm READY! Ohhhh am I ever. :)
Thanks for all the info and suggestions and We'll see you on the road!