Dually or not to Dually that is the question :)
Honestly no one can give you good advice on this, only their bias opinion. I will share my bias opinion!
Is dually Safer? 1000 X Safer....with me behind the wheel and 13000pds in tow. Would it be Safer then a properly equipped 2500 and experienced driver combination? I would not think so! You can get into force required break away a back end of a SRW and back end of a DRW and yes it would take more force to cause the dually on dry asphalt to break away then a SRW. I do not think that applies here, I think comparing drivers, operating both trucks under proper care and caution within their capabilities both are just as safe. Put drivers in trucks they are not comfortable, not as safe.
A person should not get a DRW if they are scared to drive it. i have never had an issue parking it, if a DRW cannot get through neither can every camper I have ever looked at, the campers are just as wide and actually something I like about the DRW. The DRW are more stable then the SRW, this is where driver skill comes in, for me the stability is worth the price of admition, the whole $1200 of it.
Good luck and enjoy your shopping!