bssifter wrote:
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and sadly I am here for help that I may need a lawyer for. I purchased a 64k 3790rd 2016 Montana and the factory and the dealer are not accepting responsibility for the problems they sold me. I videoed my walk though since I had a bad feeling about Folsom lake R.V. From the first time I was there even though there were employees milling about no one there was able to help whatsoever except the f&i person gave me a brochure. I have video and recorded phone calls with Jamie Cordero who I can only assume is the owner stating they would make this right by coming to my location to pick up my coach after I complained to Keystone. When that day came he had changed his mind assuming I would go away. Today after being without my trailer for about 6 weeks I got the same change of heart from Montana. After being told to go to a warranty center hours away by Keystone customer service they told the warranty center they had to get approval from the selling dealer. It's not likely they are going to be helpful in hanging themselves. My coach has no running water and about eight or ten less important problems like a bad dented reefer that cost 125. a month to run. My question is has anyone had a similar experience with a Keystone product or Folsom lake rv and how did it get resolved. I have also not been able to track down the right agency to complain to. bar and consumer affairs suggested I try dmv, please god no not the DMV !
I wold not have taken delivery as has been stated here until all was fixed. But that is water under the bridge (except in the Carolinas).
Your best bet is to call the attorney general in your state and see a lawyer. Maybe you can rescind the contract under the implied law of merchantability. The merchandise must be suitable for the purpose intended.Who obtained the financing? The dealer? Then call the lender and tell him your problem. They may go to bat for you. Imply you may be turning the rig into them as you cannot afford to pay for something that is not useable