philh wrote:
Cummins12V98 wrote:
If you have "DELAY" in your braking with disk brakes you most likely have air in the brake lines!!! My RV and Boat Trailer both have the same HydraStar actuator the biggest they make, neither have any delay.
It's going to have some delay, it has to by design. When I get a chance, I'll look at bleeding the lines. I wouldn't expect Morryde to have an issue with air in the lines.
On my last go around with IS and discs from MORryde I had on going issues.... went through a set of brakes in about 1,000 miles.. they paid a local guy to me to troubleshoot.. at the end I had multiple issues with components, nothing from the install itself..
Kodiak replaced all 4 rotors as when I went to pull the wheels to see what was going on, I has 2 or 3 studs per assembly just spin, had to tac weld the rear of the stud just to remove the wheel..
I had 2 calipers sticking, replaced the rotors ( Kodiak shipped UPS RED LABEL ) and new calipers... still had dragging.... I replaced the Hydrastar actuator with a Brakerite and it went away....
They ( Hydrastar) told me they would bench test the actuator, if it was bad, I would receive a check for the last round of troubleshooting..... I was paid in full.. Thanks to MORRYDE, they told me to do whatever was needed, if I had an issue with Kodiak, or whomever, they would have my back and handle it..
I guess the moral of the story is that anything can happen with install, even with a great company like Morryde... It's HOW they correct the problem that separates them