In 2008 our dream was to get a fifth wheel and then I had a change of employment. We ran across a Sunseeker in 2012 and fell in love with it. It really was nice except the bathroom was way too small.
So we had decided to upgrade to a motorhome and I got hooked on buying a small Newmar. So we looked looked and I actually had deals on 2 and backed out. Then I saw the double sink on the Cedar Creeks, Montana HC and the Cardinal.
Talked the wife to look and it was all over. Much more room than any motorhome new in our price range. Plus I believe I paid less on the switch that I’d lost in the Newmar driving off the lot. Another thing that just got me upset was you pay $180000 to $200000 and you get a detunes Cummins. And I walk out with 385 Hp and 930 ft-lbs of torque which is in the range of a $275000 motorhome. Anyway, we are excited and we maybe could still in a few years go the other way.
But I doubt it.