You need to attach to the wall a backing board that you can nail or screw the television mount to. Like you said, the wall are very thin. If you are going through an inside wall, you can very easily run a bolt completely through the wall, through the backing board and screw the nut on the other side of the wall. My Springdale was exactly as you described.
I didn't do the bolt through the entire wall method, I did prep the backing board, then used Liquid Nails to attach the board to the wall. I then was able to hit 1 stud on the very corner of the wall and got 2 real wood screws in there. The remainder, well,.... I used my air-nailer and put a bazillion finishing nails in it, basically short enough the nails would not come through the wall to the other side, but long enough to penetrate the board and the very thin paneling. It worked. Once the Liquid Nails set up, it held the television just fine! When traveling, we always took the television down and laid it on the bed though.