We started out 18 years ago pretty well equipped but over the years added something new to keep our Carriage fresh and up to date. So the answers are:
1. What do you love that you have in your trailer that you couldn't live without?
2. What do you wish that you had in your trailer?
I really thought about this and I can't come up with anything that I don't have because we have everything in our Carriage that we had in our Stix N Bricks homes.
3. What could you go without?
Absolutely Nothing!
4. Have you found issues with the w/d and the d/w?
No. We did wear out our dishwasher so we are on our 2nd one but 2 in 18 years of continuous use is pretty darned good.
We are still on our original Sears Stackable w/d-Gee I hope I haven't just jinxed myself :S
5. Do you really use the outdoor kitchen and fireplace a lot?
Don't have an outdoor kitchen and don't want one but we use our fireplace all the time--Well not here in Provo, UT as it's been in the 90's!!