urbanspirit, to give you a direct comparison, with regards to the F150, here is my setup, some hard numbers and the rate limiter.
My C1500 Silverado with tow package is rated to pull 9,600 lbs. The trailer fully loaded weighs in at 7,700. The Springdale 247FWRLLS has one of the lightest pin weights for the size of the trailer and I'm within 130 lbs of my rear GAWR, 97% of its capacity. I'm within 10% of the truck's GCWR.
I get around Texas okay, have been into the Ozarks with a slightly smaller TT. I won't go to Colorado! I got into (and out of!) Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas panhandle with it's 10% grade with the Springdale. Where the engine shows it limitation is at 65 mph into a headwind. A lot of shifting down to 3rd with revs jumping up to 3,500+ forcing me to reduce speed.
Look at the sticker on the F150 for weight ratings. If you can, get the truck to some scales to know what the rear axle weight is and do the math. Every size pickup has its limitation, just be sure you know what you've got before departing with your cash.
Hope this helps.