Forum Discussion

tomthyme's avatar
Oct 23, 2014

OMGosh! Crack in the side of our Cameo?????

I can't figure out how to post the photo, but yesterday I found a small vertical crack in the side wall of our 2011 37cksls Cameo. If you are standing outside the rig (door side) the long slide is probably 14' long. The crack is in the exterior wall of the coach right where the upper right hand corner of the slide is. The crack is about 4 inches long and moves from the absolute top right corner where the slide comes in and proceeds up the sidewall of the rig toward the sky.

The crack is on the exterior and you can't see inside the rig or anything horrible like that, but it seems to me like it is an invitation for water damage, structural failure or worse.

Does anyone have experience with this? I'm rather worried about it.

Thank you!