Forum Discussion

Kordog's avatar
Apr 11, 2014

Our New 385TH Fits Both Golf Carts!! YAY!

My wife and I were going to buy a 5er last year and we didn't, we decided to wait a year and make sure it was what we needed. When Grand Design came out with the Momentum line-up, we were curious, as the Fuzion and Voltage was on our short list and we had already worked numbers on a couple different units over the winter, but the Momentums were too far away for us to travel to, then a local dealer started carrying them, we went over there and checked them out. When we stepped into the 385TH, we knew it was the 'one'. We bought it that day, but couldn't take it home since the snow was still 2 feet deep where I keep the campers at, plus I had a stipulation where 2 golf carts needed to fit in the garage,they fit 2 Yamaha's in there. So we brought it home. I then tried putting my 2 EZ-Go's in the garage. Well those Yamaha's must be really small!! But they fit. We go camping this next weekend for the first time in her, can't hardly wait.

  • Our first trip was this weekend, I loved it!! So much space and storage was awesome, so everything had its place and was easy to find.

    I did stop and weigh it on the way home: full of fuel, 2 dogs and the wife, 1/4 tank fuel in fuel station, just got back from camping so it was still loaded (besides a little light on food) and the 2 golf carts in the garage. Front axle:4280, rear axle: 7540, trailer axles: 15740, total: 27560. You sure know it is back there!! I think an automatic is in my future.
  • Congrats on the trailer. When we were looking for our next trailer we saw one momentum trailer. They are beautiful inside.