Forum Discussion

lee_worsdell's avatar
Mar 28, 2014

outback 286

what do you think of outback trailers. I no their a lower built type trailer but the new ones don't seem to be to bad. Iam looking at a 286frl model
  • They are nice looking campers. I love that layout. I've always wanted the theator seating option. Nice to see something like that under 30 foot also. Seems like more 5th wheels are at least 35 foot these days.
  • Deb and Ed M wrote:
    I like that floorplan - the one thing I would want to know for sure is if you can get to the fridge (to load or unload, or for a mid-trip snack) without opening the slide??

    Agree, it appears that you can't reach the fridge but you can get to the potty room without running out the slides. getting to potty/fridge is one of the live without items we always look for.
  • My previous was a 2010 Outback 285FL and never had any issues. What I didn't like was the door was at rear (didn't know any better at the time) so getting to anything without opening the slide was near impossible and bedroom was difficult to navigate around and was a little tight w/two teenagers. They are lightweight if you don't have alot of towing power. Basically, we outgrew it and wanted more amenities, more features, more space and still kick the kids out to a tent :B
  • We purchased our Outback Sydney Edition last July. We love it. So far it appears to be very well built with many features you find in the higher end units.
  • Like dogfolks we really like our Outback 5th wheel. I would also buy one again without a second thought.
  • Actually Outbacks are considered a mid-line trailer. They offer a great value for the buck.

    Have lived in ours for almost 8 yeras now, and traveled around this beautiful country.

    I don't plan on getting rid of it as we have done all kinds of little modifications, and I don't want to start all over. LOL

    It haven't been trouble free, but mostly minor problems.

    Would I buy another? In a heartbeat.

    Hope this helps.
  • I like that floorplan - the one thing I would want to know for sure is if you can get to the fridge (to load or unload, or for a mid-trip snack) without opening the slide??