Tyler0215 wrote:
Anyone with enough money for an RV has enough for an overnight at a campground. What is the fascination in staying in a noisy parking lot with lots of traffic all night?
Because I was that a-hole who arrived at the campground at 10:30pm and took 20 minutes to get parked (because I'm not that good at it). Then I ran down my electric and noisy landing gear. Then I ran down my electric and noisy stabilizers. Next are my 4 slides that I extend that aren't incredibly quiet. Then all 4 doors of the truck get opened and closed
at least once each- but given that I'm also traveling with 2 kids in tow, you can figure a couple of those doors are going to be opened/closed a couple of times. Heck, on our way back from Florida, we added a second car, 3 more doors, a trunk and 2 more people.
I'm sure the neighbors LOVED me.