Impulse24 wrote:
For a one night stop, No need to unhook or drop the legs.
As to where to stop all Pilot and Flying J travel centers have RV fueling, Dumping and Free Parking away from the trucks. Most also have good restaurants at reasonable prices. If you decide to use Pilot or Flying J sign up for their RV reward card...
PS, Just done a three week trip to Key west and Flying J and Pilot were all we used during the trip. For more than one night look into Federal, State, County and even City cap grounds. Most have water and electric with a dump station on exit. Have fun......
My DW and I will be leaving in the next several weeks for Florida. I've parked over night at a Pilot and don't recall seeing a designated area for non-truckers (wasn't really looking either). Do the parking areas away from the truckers have some type of signage designating RV's? Or, does one ask inside the fueling station? Any comment will be appreciated.