Forum Discussion

suse1023's avatar
Jan 19, 2014

ow---why is there such a big dang cabinet over the sink?!

grrr, this is such a stupid design it makes me wonder what else is poorly designed in this rig.
my fiver is a 2001 carriage cameo and we like almost everything about it but this is pisspoor design at it's best!

the cabinet which I am so mad at is 16" deep over the sink, and only 22.5" from counter top to the bottom of the cabinet!!

so in order to wash dishes one must crane one's neck in-between the countertop and cab bottom to see into the sink.
and since I refuse to wear a helmet while doing the dishes I have made the executive decision to remove that cabinet and replace it with a more appropriate one.
or a rack over the sink so dishes can drain right into it would be nice...
thanks for letting me vent--off to look for a plate rack which will work.
and I have to figure out how to repurpose that dang cabinet somewhere too.
  • Seen lots of floor plans ruined by cabinets over the sink or L shaped counters.
  • Easy fix!!!! Install a dishwasher, then you don't have to stand there. LOL :)
  • The people that design are not the people that go camping and use the thing. My thing is the mattress goes right tight to the wall,closet, Try making a bed when you can not get your hand between the mattress and the wall. Next thing. The steps into the unit. about 10 1/2 between steps (risers) and the narrow 5" width. Could not have that in a home anywhere. And the step up to the bath/bedroom level 1 step in 22" You have to lift your leg high to do that. Handy for us old farts.
  • We have an '01 CarriLite, rear island kitchen, and the cabinets over the sink are 29" up from the sink top, and 22" tall, 12" deep.

    No problemo.
  • I like my cabinets over the sink. I helps being 5'2". If anyone helps me do dishes. They struggle :)
  • I have wondered the same! I have wanted to tear out those cabinets so many times. All the tutorials I see show it to be way to large of a chore, sadly.
  • Yep, that setup is a deal breaker for us and I see it on a lot of current floor plans. Im betting some folks love that extra space, but I find it obstructive and somewhat you found out.

  • lol I admit the times we looked at it didn't occur to us to practice washing the dishes! and truth be told we'd looked at dozens before we saw this one and we both knew when we walked in the door that it was 'the one'.
    and she still is, despite a few necessary tweaks.
    i'll have our carpenter friend take them down and cut them to 9" deep cabs. no head banging, no lost items six feet in the air and no worries about what to do about matching wallpaper behind them.
    one of these days that is...
  • :) How in the world did they hide this from you when you purchased the trailer?
  • Only just so many ways you can turn a shoe-box and have all the creature comforts of home

    There are now some really nice pretty looking helmets. And if DH is a football fan......whooo-hoo :B