Forum Discussion

howardwheeler's avatar
Jul 27, 2019

Power Gear slide sticking

Warning: this will be very boring to anyone that does not have an old Power Gear Slide. Read no further or at least do so at your own risk. This will be difficult—perhaps impossible—to explain, and it will be rare that any would be able to identify the problem without being here. trusty old trailer, a fifth wheel Alpenlite Portofino Villa, has a 18 foot or so Power Gear slide in the kitchen that hold cabinets and the refrigerator. Quite a few months ago I noticed a slight pop whenever I extended the slide not long after I began extending it. That has now turned into a large bang when it lets loose, but now often completely hangs up on the top of its front corner. I have discovered that when the slide begins to extend the bottom of the slide starts moving but the top goes up slightly so that the top edge of the slide actually jams up against the outside trim piece. If, while extending, I push on the upper edge of the slide on the inside so it goes out at the same time as the bottom, then it goes out without a problem. We have crawled underneath and can detect no problems with the actual slide mechanism. All gears and rollers seem fine. But it seems there should be some kind of internal slide in the middle to hold the slide up that maybe is not there. This seems impossible to explain in any kind of understandable way, so I’m basically fishing for someone who has a large Power Gear slide and knows how they work and what kind of slides they might slide on. I have found one nylon slide underneath the slide between it and the floor but can’t see any other ones. Has anyone who ventured to read this far any insight?
  • It seems pretty level. The odd thing is that the floor of the trailer itself seem to be dropping off passed the support of the main frame. It’s like some outriggers that should support that portion of the floor from the main frame to the outside wall are not holding it up.
  • Howard have you looked when the slide is in to see how it fits for a lower or higher space to see if it lookes even. That could be a reason for one corner to hang up. If so not hard to adjust.
