nayther wrote:
mpoulsen wrote:
Had great time at Charlie's Place/Wagon wheel,rained Thursday night a little Friday morning rest weekend and Monday was great weather!!! Found out we camped right at Charlie's bar, cement pad, had someone come to camp and told us that we camped at the site of the bar had been, cool!!! The only bummer was lost rod bearing on RZR Saturday morning, but rode with friend to Randsburg and X-15 site. Great weekend with good friends.
do some research and you'll find photos of the old Wagon Wheel bar that was on that slab. I was racing/riding back when it was there but don't remember ever going there. Did hit quite a few other "desert bars" with Dad and his friends.
I never thought to Google it. I just found
THIS PAGE with some photos and a brief description.
This reminds me of a biker dive bar that we used to ride to from El Mirage back in the 80s. It got harder and harder to find a legal route to that bar once the area started to get built out. I imagine the new homes we saw being built didn't survive the recessions.
My wife had a big project not too far from there in A.V. in the early 90s. The developer went bankrupt and stiffed all the subs (including her). The project reverted back to the bank and none of the homes were ever finished or sold. She stayed pretty bitter about that for a long time, but there was no recourse with the bank. And then one night we were at the movies watching one of the Lethal Weapon movies and there was a big shootout scene where they were chasing through some framed homes and shooting nail guns at each other. My wife stood up and yelled, "Hey, that's my project, those b**tards!" At the end when they blew the whole thing up she cheered "WOO HOO". She never got paid on that job, but it was almost worth it to see the whole place get burned to the ground. (Sorry for the tangent.)