Forum Discussion

napanee_ted's avatar
Oct 23, 2015

Propane Regulator Question

I would like to know how long should it take for the propane to reach the stove. Right now after I turn the gas on at the tank I have to wait at least 4 to 5 minutes before there is enough gas in the line so the stove will light and keep going.
Should I just go ahead and change the regulator?
Thanks for your help
  • When the burner "does" lite, is it a nice blue flame of normal size? We recently experience much the same symptoms as you describe, but the flame was small and not real solid blue. Removed the regulator and dark brown oil poured out of it. Replaced it and now flame is quick and perfect.

  • It depends in part on how far away from the regulator the appliance IS.

    If you do the farthest one first, the others should come on pretty quickly.

    Opening a burner and keeping a lit flame near it should speed the process up opposed to opening it for a second and closing again if it doesn't light right off.
  • About 10 seconds if it hasn't been used for awhile. Point the regulator's 'arm' to the tank you want to use - see if that helps.