Jun-15-2014 11:00 AM
Jun-16-2014 05:15 PM
Bill1374 wrote:
Would love to have done that but New York says that those are considered a trailer and we can't double tow.I wound up selling my Hitchhiker and going to a trailer with the Rampage in the back of the truck. Works slicker than .......
With a little practice you'll get used to getting the bike in the cradle just right so that it straightens up as the cradle locks. Just be cautious that you don't get the bike too far down on the forks as it will cause problems with the seals.
Jun-16-2014 04:52 PM
Jun-16-2014 11:02 AM
tsenior wrote:
I have the same desire to take my Harley Streetglide along without buying a new 5th wheel. How does this compare to the Idaho Tote?
Jun-16-2014 06:11 AM
Winged One wrote:
This last week I added a Rampage lift to my SwivelWheel 58dw. Although I never fell off my 12 ft ramps I had to load onto the SwivelWheel, it was just unnerving, thus the Rampage.
Jun-16-2014 01:34 AM
Jun-15-2014 11:12 AM