Forum Discussion

hawkhill's avatar
Dec 30, 2014

Recommendation for RV Roof Installer - Tampa FL area

Due to a shoddy satellite install job, we have water damage to the area of our roof right behind where the satellite was installed and cables thru roof not properly sealed. Any one have recommendation for a good RV roof installer in our area? We can travel easily to anywhere in Central FL.

Roof should be nice and dry as roof was sealed up tight after damage was discovered and area has been dried out. However, due to the soft spot and the damage I understand entire roof will need to be replaced, insulation removed and replaced, new wood installed on roof as well as a new interior ceiling panel as current one showed bubbles which is how we discovered damage. Current roof is a TPO Hybrid roof. There is also an area where where some water ran down corner of rear wall and has softened up a 3x4 area in the wall board (wrinkles). We want that area rebuilt as well.

Since we had no luck with the satellite installer despite good rvparkservices reviews, we are asking for any assistance in getting some personal recommendations for reliable reasonable installers especially since this will not be an inexpensive repair. We love our unit and intend to keep it for several more years. We have tried to really maintained it so we are just sick over this damage.
  • Ok, how did this get into a discussion about Lazy Days service? Did the OP have the sat dish installed by Lazy Days?? Do not mean to high Jack the post, but I am considering installing a Sat Dish on my 5th wheel, and Lazy Days came to mind as the place to go!??
  • I totally agree with the comments about Lazy Days. I think the problem with their service is that they are overwhelmed by the large number of service requirements for the units that sell each and every day.

    We made an appointment for some warranty work there 4 months in advance. This last Monday (appointment date) they worked on it all day but only used one tech. They did not address our issue of roof stapes coming up. In their opinion the rubber has to be replaced and they suggested we wait and have someone up north do it under warranty.
  • I'll buy a rig from Lazy Days, but agree their repair work leaves a lot to be desired and I wouldnt' want them to be repairing my roof.
  • My Lazy Daze experience was FAR from satisfactory. FAR, FAR, FAR...from satisfactory.
  • I would contact Bryant RV repair.
    Their articles etc on the internet have been most helpful to RVers over the years and I have never seen a complaint about their service.
  • Alliance Coach in Wildwood Florida is where I would take it. They are very experienced in these type of major repairs.