Forum Discussion

gedmo's avatar
Jan 06, 2014

Reese 5W hitch jaws not locking...?

Unexpectedly, going to move our 5W from FLA back to Kentucky. 5W had been on permanent site here so we never carry our hitch (space issue). Found a used hitch locally. Problem or WORRY? When hitching up my rig with my slider hitch at home, release bar slides out, slides back in, and appears to lock in place, then I close the small swivel lock on the release handle. The used unit I bought doesn't appear to lock the hitch jaws, prior to closing the swivel lock. Takes several connection attempts before the hitch locks on its own. Have had the slider since 2000 and it's one of those things you do so often, you become automatic in the process. Then, when things work differently, you begin wondering is this how it's supposed to work or not? Do not wish to loose a unit on I-75!
  • Mine is new and I have just used it a couple of dozen times so far, but I almost always have to rock the truck back and forth a little bit to have it lock in the last little bit. It is very tight.
  • I sometimes have to push the latch inward the last little bit. Or I can rock forward/backward with the truck and it may seat itself. After about 3 years of use, it is still snug.

    Your used hitch might be dirty or need lube. Or it maybe just hasn't seen much use and is tight as new. As long as you get it closed and the safety engaged, you have no need to worry about it.
  • Sounds like that used hitch needs some Grease/Oil/Lube of some type. Probably been sitting around and not used and has started to rust.
  • Busdriver wrote:
    Check the springs under the jaws

    And while you have the hitch turned over put some white lithium grease on all moving parts....T-10