Lots of folks have posted on this Forum that they have replaced their RV refrigerators with residential compressor style units. I'm guessing the RM 2852 is a 6-8 cu. ft. unit. Common replacement size in a residential unit ranges from 10-12 cu. ft. (readily available at Lowe's or Home Depot). This size range will commonly fit in the RV fridge cavity with minimal modification to the cavity (carpentry work). I did a search to try and find some links to the topic in this forum, but came up blank.
The couple we bought our first RV from replaced their 4 door Norcold unit with a 25 cu. ft. residential fridge this year. There was nothing wrong with the Norcold unit, they just wanted a residential fridge. They had the work done by NuWa (they own a HitchHiker Champagne) in Kansas. All in including the fridge, it cost them $2500. I suspect the replacement you are considering would be a lot less. Since installing the new fridge, they have discovered it will maintain temperatures in both the refrigerator and freezer section for up to 20 hrs. before needing to "plug in" or running the fridge for 3-4 hrs on their battery bank/inverter. Zero problems with food spoilage. The replacement fridge even has ice and water through the door; NuWa installed an ice maker supply line and tied it into the RV cold water line.