Forum Discussion

Ajax106's avatar
Apr 04, 2016

Rubicon 1905 water heater heating element part number?

Could someone possibly give me the part number for this part? We've had the camper 2 yrs now. But it didn't come with any kind of manuals?? I went up and de-winterized it today. But the water wouldn't get hot? All the wiring seemed ok. So the only thing I can think is maybe the heating element has gone bad? I've been searching the web for over an hour now. But can't positively find anything. This water heater is both electric, and propane. (Although I've never used the LP) Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  • Your TH uses an Atwood Water Heater.

    IF 'electric' was turned on without water in WH Tank then element is burnt

    BUT it could be as simple as a blown Fuse in DC Dist Panel, a blown 'thermal fuse' in outside compartment, a bad t--stat or a loose/corroded connection

    You Atwood uses DC Power for BOTH functions (electric and propane)

    So................does it operate on propane.
    If NO...then you have other issue.

    Do you have 12V DC power on Brown wire to t-stat with either electric or propane switch ON?

  • It is either an Atwood or Suburban brand heater installed in a Rubicon RV, right?
    Suburban pn 520789
    Atwood pn 92249