Forum Discussion

elmhurstpx's avatar
Sep 19, 2018

Schwintec Slide Controllers

I have a 2015 Alfa Gold 3405RK by Lifestyle, have 2 Schwintec slides that need balancing/lev-eling, can not find the controller for either slide, they are not visible in the normally suspected locations. Lifestyle is out of business so can't contact them, but will try the Dealer for info. Does anyone out there have a clue before I have to tear things apart?? Bob
  • Mine are behind the blind panel under the bathroom sink. Cruisers Enterra. Water pump and winterizing set up is hidden behind panel under kitchen sink. Rear Kitchen model. Look behind any blind panels.
  • You might check YouTube or the LCI site for videos. I’ve seen the procedure on YouTube but for some reason the iPad won’t let me provide a link when accessing through an app.
  • My Schwintek controller is on the left side accessed in the basement behind the front panel, but I have a Columbus. Just an idea.