O.K., I'm also talking as a woman here, as an experienced tower, and also as the Chief Financial Officer of this Marital Corporation. NO ONE in this household would be permitted to expose a big investment like a brand new trailer to the hazards of 14 inches of snow combined with a whole bunch of can't drive-in-it yahoos that I guarantee would choose my rig to plow into when they lose control of their own.
Why chance it? This especially since as long as it remains in the dealer's possession it's HIS headache if somebody, including the weather, does any damage to it.
That said, and nicely I hope, I really must comment on the following:
Scott_85 wrote:
Would you let your wife do it?
Unless she's Down on Bended Knees begging for the keys, I think what you really mean to ask is "Would you EXPECT your wife to do this just because you think it's time to do so and you're not there"? ;)