Forum Discussion

todd_j's avatar
Jun 29, 2021

Slide out won't close all the way

Earlier this year I had a problem with the front slide on my 5th wheeler. It is a 2009 Sierra by Forest River 335QBQ. The bedroom slide on the 5th wheeler end would close and after time drift open. Now it won't close or open all the way.It's about 2-3" from opening all the way and 1 1/2" to 2" from closing completely. The only thing that moves this slide is a hydraulic cylinder. The nots on the ram are tight and there is no way they have moved causing this issue. My thoughts is it HAS to be the cylinder leaking internally. There is no leak external. This model does not allow you to move each slide indepentent of each other. As one extends all the way the others start to move. Does this sound like a cylinder issue? The other slides work fine.
Thanks for your replies
  • This happened to me recently> Lippert said the fluid is getting past (something) and it is equalizing. They told me that it could go all the way out, there are no "stops" built in. They recommended a slide out lock, (which we could not find on our way home from TN) or to get a 2x4 and wedge it in between the wall and the lip of the slide out. Basically like people do to secure their sliding glass door in the house. We stopped at Lowes and had a 2x4 cut. Lippert then told me how to override the hydraulic pump because it quit working completely. It was not hard to do once they told me, but I would have never figured it out myself. Lippert Tech support was very helpful, thankfully.
  • Where would this check valve be located?

    Yes system is full of fluid. I have even cycled slides in and out numerous times to ensure no air in system.
  • There is a check valve that can sometimes leak (internal to the hydraulic system). This can allow it to creep out a couple inches if left to set.

    Now, if it's not opening/closing completely, that sounds like a different issue.