Forum Discussion

Odessa_Grandma's avatar
Jun 09, 2013

Sold the fifth wheel but I'm not leaving

After being so very close to signing on the dotted line for a new truck to pull the Silverback, we decided that DH's health is just not good enough to make it happen. We listed our brand new 2012 Silverback on Craig's list and sold it last week. I have mixed emotions about selling it. On one hand, I am relieved that it sold so quickly, but on the other hand am very sad to see it go. I must be realistic though; I believe our camping days are over. Too many health problems. I will camp vicariously thru all of you. My best regards and many thanks for all that I have learned from all of you! I love reading all the posts and will be lurking for many years to come. I will also watch each motorhome or fifth wheel that we pass along the highways of this great nation, and wonder if they are forum members, and where are they headed!
  • Best of luck to you both. Only you know what's best for the both of you. Don't agonize over your decision, I'm sure it was the right one.
  • I know exactly how you feel. I sold my 5er a couple years back but I still like reading the posts here. I'd probably still have it but the DW does not like to camp. I figured she'd like it with a nice 5er to stay in, and she did for the first year, but after that.....Anyway, I was just thinking yesterday how much I miss camping sometimes. We had a lot of great times here in New Mexico (Jemez Mountains) and in Durango. I'm back to riding my motorcycle now. Rode the Million Dollar Highway last year and stayed in Durango for a couple nights. My buddy and I had a great time. Left the DW at home. That'll teach her haha. Had to do something to take the place of camping.....

  • Sorry to hear that you won't be rv'ing anymore, but happy to know you will stay with us on the forum. Who knows what the future holds; maybe you'll be back out with us in the future! Best wishes!