How British Columbia views weight ratings.Basically:
What are the penalties for driving a
vehicle loaded above its GVWR?
Regulations in BC were recently changed to
address consumer and industry concerns about
the GVWR. If a vehicle, with a GVWR of
5,500 kilograms (kgs), or less, that is
manufactured before January 1, 2001 is loaded in
excess of its GVWR and enforcement officer
deems it to be unsafe, the driver of that vehicle
may be given a Notice and Order. Most light
trucks and RVs have a GVWR of less than
5,500 kgs. If a vehicle with a GVWR of more than
5,500 kgs, regardless of the date it is
manufactured, is loaded in excess of its GVWR,
the driver of that vehicle may be given a violation
ticket. Driving a vehicle loaded above its GVWR
creates a potential safety hazard because the
vehicle’s frame, suspension, brakes and tires are
not designed for weights above the rating the
manufacturer has set.