Forum Discussion

Jim4929's avatar
Jun 06, 2013

Sulphur Smell .....Epilogue

We have a sulfer smell when we open the door during the days ride.
Here are the facts. Noticed the smell about the 4th day out. Only occurs after we have been moving. Spent the last two night in Edmonton and noticed it when we got there as well as at stops durning the day. Smelled nothing while unhooked for two days. Smell is in the kitchen area where the sink, stove, fridge, and hot water heater are located. I thought it might be a gas leak so I disconnected gas at joy still smells. Plus the propane dector in that same area has not gone off so I don't think it is gas. The fridge is the only thing that runs on gas during travel and I doubt it runs very much. We did go through a few frog choker storms and there is a exhaust vent right above this area. I've tried everything and every place to look and now I turn to my fellow travelers to "find the smell"