Forum Discussion

RoyF's avatar
Jul 13, 2019

There's a reason to get rid of six-year-old tires.

I was going to replace that six-year-old tire right after one more little 900-mile trip. BAD MOVE. I hit a huge pothole on I-35 in northern Missouri. Three newer tires took the shock, but the fourth one (the six-year-old tire on the back axle of the trailer ) blew out.

It's not just the tire -- it's always the collateral damage that hurts. The blowout took out most of the wiring to one of the slides. I have spent most of three days splicing wires and running to Home Depot. Four of the wires went to speakers in the surround-sound system, so there was the added fun of figuring out which wire went to which speaker.

How I wish that I had replaced that tire BEFORE the trip.