djgarcia wrote:
I have a 27' 5th wheel. Over the years I have had (5) blowouts. I have 15", E rated tires from Les Schwabb for trailers. I have two 5200 # axles with the 5th wheel being rated at GVWR of 12,000 #. A few questions,
(1) I have had in storage for twelve months with little use.
(2) bent axles a possibility?
(3) wheels out of alignment?
I am looking at going with 7000 # axles, stay with 15" tires or should I go with 16" tires,
Stay with E rated tires or go higher rated tires.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Go with 16" wheels. I have had good luck with Good Year G rated tires. You can't beat Good Years warranty tire policy and their willingness to pay for any damage to your trailer as the result of the tire blow out:)
Adviso no bueno!..:(
"G" rated tires are unnecessary overkill..:(
You *can* beat GYs warranty & repair policy......
if you don't need repairs!.:S
Least expensive - go with 15" Maxxis - E rated if you can find some.
Next (and best) would be - *quality* 16" LT "E" tires (which means wheels also). Michelin XPS, BFGs, etc.
IMO - don't change the axles - at least for now.
At some point, *If* you want to do change axles - just make sure you
get the same bolt pattern as the 16" wheels.
GY has TWO track records.
1. GY ST Tires (Marathons) fail. Lots of negative karma for G614 also.
2. GY will replace tires and repair your trailer damage caused by their tire failures. - Whoopee!..:R
Downright silly rationale!.
Why risk incurring unnecessary damage if you don't have to?.:h
*DOWNTIME* anytime for repairs -no matter who foots the bill- is
*ALWAYS* a bummer..:(
Here's a LOT of ST info from a thread that doesn't get shut down due to age, or whatever.
Also, the STs are *NOT* being used on 5th wheel trailers.
Speaks volumes - 'cause there
*ARE* volumes!
Goodyear Marathon Failures - "Airforums"~