Forum Discussion

wtmtnhiker's avatar
Nov 14, 2013

Tire pressure monitor where to buy?

I'm looking to buy a Pressure Pro system for my 5ver and I'm looking for recommendation on who to buy from. Also is there a 4 sensor system or must I buy 10?
  • I got mine HERE.

    And I don't thing Pressure Pro makes a 4 tire monitor. If that's what you need, I would shop around for other makes that may have a 4-tire monitor.

  • I got mine at Vulcan Tire. I have a 16 tire monitor but I only bought 8 sensors and later 2 more. I'd suggest getting more monitor than you need and the 4 sensors you want now. That way its easy to change your mind and add more later.
  • I bought my TST system with flow-through sensors from, and I only bought the 4-sensor system for my 5er. Although I haven't had it long, I have been very satisfied with the TST system. It is such a relief to be able to keep watch on what is going on with the tires. I was also very satisfied with the price and the prompt service from
  • check out the TST site. I wound up buying from direct. They have different sets to choose from. I just have four on my fifth wheel.

    BTW, I got great tech service from them on the one time the set up had me stumped.